Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Song That Makes Me Cry

Back when I was a child before life removed all the innocence my father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then spin me around til I fell asleep then up the stairs he would carry me and I new for sure, I was loved If I could get another chance another walk another dance with him I'd play a song that would never ever end how I'd love love love to dance with my father again oooo when I and my mother would disagree to get my way I would run from her to him he'd make me laugh just to comfort me yeah yeah then finally make me do just what my momma said later that night when I was asleep he left a dollar under my sheet never dreamed that he would be gone from me If I could steal one final glance, one final step one final dance with him I'd play a song that would never ever end cause I'd love, love, love, to dance with my father again sometimes I'd listen outside her door and I hear how my mother cried for him I'd pray for her even more than me I'd pray for her even more than me I know I'm praying for much to much but could you send back the only man she loved I know you don't do it usually but dear lord she's dyin to dance with my father again every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream __Dance With My Father Again - Luther VanDross__ It makes me realize how much that I love my father... Love you daddy...So much...

Friday, September 4, 2009

One Day,,Much Fun!! 040909

Bener2 nih hari fun mampus...
*Di Sekolah* Bel masuk... penyuluhan narkoba... enak aja lo Dithong nyangka gw "make" kan memang memperdalam ilmu ttg itu...hahaha...byar tdk terjebak *Cuih!*... Bgitu bel,,Qta smua pada misa.. Eh eh..ada Mitzy d altar... Teryata ada yg mninggal juga..Hiks2.. *lebay* Terus,misa slese, Qta balik k kelas... Byasa,candid never ends... 1. ih,temon...malu2 makan'a byk... 2. Monic..sumpah tuh muka,,serius mampuz... Ternyata, Bu Eni masuk, terus lgsg blg klo Qta lgsg doa pulang! OMG...senang'a.. Karena Qta pada males pulang, msh jam 10 gt,,Qta brencana ntn.. sempet b'ubah pen k dufan,b'hubung dompet ge kering *emang dasar'a ga modal*, Qta ntn deh d Megaria.. *Di Megaria* Sampe sana,belum buka itu bioskop. jyah,,yah sudah,Qta shopping dulu deh,,di...Giant.Hahahaa..Beli minum deh Qta n sgala cemilan laen'a.. Bgitu slese shopping,Tnyata,udah buka. Lgsg deh Qta duduk,terus... Photo2..*Again?* 1. Kevin & Kentut 2. Cicil, Gue, & Dithong Qta smua nonton Final Destination 4...Emh..Movie Review,,Keren,seru,menegangkan,rada lebay,bikin Qta mikir,bikin eneg juga *pas liat daging2 ancur'a..* eumh..Watch it yourself and feel it...*Gaya lo sok inggris* Dari situ..Gw pulang. Istirahat.Terus lanjut katekisasi d greja.. *Di Gereja* Emang dasar anak kurang ajar smua, bukan merhatiin, malah foto2... 1. Ckckckckc...buruk amat muka Qta the... Dan sisa'a..Candid all the way!!! Nb: Yg pasti Final Destination 4,,GREAT FILM!! Keren mampuz!!Seru,,menegangkan,bikin mikir,,jd eneg,,pokok'a seru!! Kudu nonton lo smua!!! .......One Day,,Much Fun!! 040909.......END........ __To Be Continued__